Pinniped Species


Ringed Seal

Scientific Name: Phoca hispida
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Phocidae
Genus: Phoca
Species: hispida
Other Common Names: Ringed seal
Average Length:

Males & Females – 5 ft

Average Weight:

Males – 150 lbs
Females – 110 lbs


Ringed seals are found all in the Northern Hemisphere. 


Ringed seals are named for the silver rings on their backs and sides. They are the smallest and most common seal in the Arctic. They have small front flippers with very strong claws to maintain holes to breathe in their thick ice habitat. 

Diet in the Wild:

Several species of fish and invertebrates: mysids, arctic cod, shrimp, and herring. 


Ringed seals are found living on pack ice in cold arctic waters.


The breeding season for Ringed seals is in the spring. Males are observed to be monogamous breeders. Females reach sexual maturity at about 4 years of age and males not until about 7 years of age. Females make structures in the thick ice and give birth to their pups in these lairs. Pups are weaned after one month.  

Conservation Status:

The Ringed seals are on the Low Risk-least concern list.

Threats in the Wild:

The most concerning threat to them is climate change due to their lives depending on thick ice. These seals are also often caught as by-catch.

Fun Facts:

Polar bears prefer to prey on Ringed seals.

Resident Animals: none