Meet Our Animals

Common Name: California sea lion

Scientific Name: Zalophus californianus

Arrival Information: August 2017

Maturation: Sea lion pup

Average Weight: 150 pounds and growing! Moana will not reach full maturity until she is about 5 years old and reaches approximately 200 pounds in weight.

My Story:

At four months of age, Moana was found stranded and trapped in a storm sewer near Huntington Beach, California.  She was trembling, lethargic, sick, and alone.  This is when the Pacific Marine Mammal Center was called and leapt into action to rescue and rehabilitate this pup.  She was bottle fed and provided with around the clock care.  Due to her age, inability to forge for her own food, and dependency upon human assistance she was deemed non-releasable as she would not be able to survive in the wild.  This is when Ocean Connections was asked to provide a forever home for this gentle, loving pup.  After months of tender, loving, care Moana is now healthy, gaining weight, and extremely playful!