Donations: Make A Wave with Oceans of Fun!

Make A Wave with Ocean Connections!

Your donation supports our animal care and conservation efforts.

We appreciate your support! We are currently soliciting donations to support our husbandry care program. We pride ourselves in the exceptional care provided to our animals and your support makes a difference! Husbandry care is cooperative medical care. Through training sessions and a trusting relationship, our animals learn to participate in their own healthcare by voluntarily cooperating in routine procedures such as blood draws, eye examinations, flipper x-rays and much more.

Husbandry care helps to double the lifespan of these animals in zoological environments. Through cooperative medical care, seals and sea lions live into their 30s while their wild counterparts may only reach 10-15 years of age. Medical procedures such as teeth brushing, fetal ultrasounds and routine animal weights are essential to providing exceptional care.

Currently we are in need of a new scale to obtain regular body weights on our animals. Animal weights fluctuate according to the season and are a key predictor in their health. A digital scale which is water resistant and can support the weight of a 700 lb sea lion runs approximately $5,000. Your donation to this cause is greatly appreciated.  

If you would like to make a donation to support this cause, please visit us at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Stop by the Sea Lion Shoppe (located outside of the Ocean Connections Show Stadium) and donate or mail in your donation to help support the health and well-being of the seals and sea lions at Ocean Connections!   

Mail your donations to:    

Ocean Connections

10001 W Bluemound Rd

Milwaukee, WI 53222                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

You can make a difference in the lives of the animals at Ocean Connections!